In this donor spotlight we extend our heartfelt appreciation to Baceline Group, a dedicated partner since 2012, for their unwavering commitment to Arrupe Jesuit High School's mission. Their consistent and steadfast support of the Lead the Way: Imagining More for Arrupe Capital Campaign has been invaluable. Baceline Group's collaboration serves as a guiding light within our community, illuminating the path toward an enriched educational journey for every Arrupe Jesuit student. Not only have they been instrumental in our campaign's success, but they also contribute to our students' growth by currently employing four Arrupe Jesuit students in their office. Their remarkable contribution continues to inspire us as we pursue our mission at Arrupe Jesuit High School of providing opportunity to deserving families.
We recently spent time with Lindsey Reevie, the EVP of Operations at Baceline, and spoke to her about the longstanding relationship between Baceline and Arrupe Jesuit. To learn more about Lead the Way : Imagining More for Arrupe Capital Campaign please CLICK HERE. To learn more about the amazing work Baceline is doing please CLICK HERE.
Why did Baceline choose to continue to support Arrupe Jesuit through the Lead the Way capital campaign?
"At Baceline, we choose to partner with likeminded organizations and Arrupe is very much aligned with Baceline's core values and how we operate our business. The alignment and synergy between our organizations is strong and the emphasis on giving back and making a difference in the communities we serve is something that is incredibly important to us."
What specifically do you enjoy about the Baceline and Arrupe Jesuit relationship?
"Baceline and Arrupe have very similar stories which started with very humble beginnings just over 20 years ago. It has been such a joy and honor to grow alongside of Arrupe and continue to be a part of each other’s journey. It is also really wonderful to work with an organization of Arrupe’s size where you can tangibly see where your time, energy and dollars are going and the impact they have on these students and their families. You are able to watch these young people grow and mature and learn and go to college and enter the workforce and become amazing individuals. And to say that you got to play a part in their successes is truly rewarding.”
Over the years are there specific moments that stick out as special for you?
"Baceline has been a Corporate Work Study Partner for over 11 years, and we have had the opportunity to mentor and work with over 40 kids during that time, which has provided a tremendous amount of unique experiences to draw from. I would say, in general, that graduation is a special time for us because when you have worked with these students from when they were shy, timid 9th graders, to see them at graduation as confident young women and men going out in the world is really special.
Specifically, I will never forget the day Baceline’s first senior walked into our office after she had finished her Bachelor’s AND Master’s degrees in Accounting as a member of our CPA’s tax and audit team ready to work on the Baceline account!”
What hopes do you have for the Arrupe Jesuit students?
"My hope for all of our students is that they find their path and live their dreams without limitations. Encouraging them when they are students is one of the joys of having them work here in our office and pushing them to think outside the box instead of being boxed in, and to not be afraid to explore. My approach with all of our students has been to treat them exactly the same as everyone else at the company. We provide them with all of the tools, training, and coaching to set them up for long-term success, but they do not receive any “special” treatment and are held accountable for their professional responsibilities at our front desk. It’s not always easy but when you get to watch them years later in the world being leaders and making a difference in their communities, it makes it all worth it.”