For 20 years, Magis Night has drawn thousands of supporters to celebrate the remarkable achievements of Arrupe’s students who inspire the community with highlights of their personal stories. This year’s event, held on March 4, went a step further. It seemed only appropriate that on Arrupe’s 20th anniversary, we announce a vision for the expansion of our mission and physical campus.
During the event, longtime supporter, Mike Zoellner, officially announced the Lead the Way: Imagining More for Arrupe Jesuit Capital Campaign. This $46.6M effort co-chaired by Mike, his wife, Nancy and Arrupe co-founder Bill Fortune, will provide the resources necessary to execute a comprehensive strategic vision for the next chapter in Arrupe’s story.
“Our plan is certainly audacious, yet it also honors the spirit of our founders who assumed a huge responsibility for the future success of young people who they had never met, but who they believed in with great conviction,” said Mike in his remarks. “There is an opportunity before us to provide more Arrupe students with greater resources and greater opportunity.”
Mike also announced that over 30% of the campaign goal has been raised to date. The sacrificial gifts donors are making will have an unparalleled ripple effect, starting with some of Denver’s most deserving students, expanding to their families, the communities in which they live, the city of Denver, and far beyond.
To learn how you can help write this next chapter in Arrupe’s history, contact Arrupe’s Philanthropy Director, Liz Cole, at (949) 370-5594 or lcole@arrupjesuit.com.